Do I have a Fuck with me Sign on the Middle of my Forehead

This is a Vent Post! I need prayer, love, and light!

It is already hard being a trucker’s wife, now I am in the middle of moving to another city, and it seems like shit just starts to go wrong. I have a question will you great and wonderful readers stop for a moment and just pray for me, “happiness, unconditional love, no stress, and Oh yeah to win the lottery.” Seriously I don’t care how old this post is stop and pray!

Why does bad stuff happen to good people?

When life seems hopeless we tend to lose focus. Our dreams seem further away. Our kids tend to act up more. Our relationship starts to become a problem. We walk around with attitudes, blaming others for our problems, and we start to point out the faults in others.

Often things happen to us that we simply cannot understand. Most times it is a test of our faith, and a test of our will. In my resist incident as of yesterday! My dumb ass ran into the back of a semi truck. Close your mouth, don’t cry I’m okay! Although my Altima is hurt.

I have been running around stressed out trying to get everything together for the move and my spirit was telling me that I needed to simply slow down, relax, and take a breath let God do something! I believe that God allows things to happen for his reasons, whether or not we understand them, “like put a “semi trunk” in front of you to slow you down.”

We don’t always see the whole picture that goes on in our life. Although God knows, so he sometimes shack things up a bit by removing, or moving things into our lives getting it ready for the perfect opportunity. We go through “ups and downs” to balance out the purpose we are to encounter.

The truth is sometimes our negative situation is really an opportunity for growth. Some events we encounter are negative circumstance; once the problem is resolved you will see how you grew from it.

The truth is life is about choices and decision. It is up to you to make the responsible choice for your life. We are here for growth, our situation, “positive or negative” help us change and grow spiritually.

May God bless you all, thanks for all of your prays and support!

Be Inspired!!!

Warrior Chic


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