Long Distance Relationships Advice: Make the Best of Your Time!

One of the hardest tasks in the life of a trucker wife is to have things planned. In only for your husband to call in say he will not be home until the following week. (That just burns my skin.) The difficulty should be viewed as an advantage. Now that’s a novel mindset, isn’t it?

It took me 2 year to get used to my husband schedule. We would have plans to go out of town to visit our parents only to cancel due to the weather in another state that he was in. Or, due to not being able to get loaded or unloaded when he was schedule to do so. For many it takes a long time to get used to change. For some they just don’t have the patient to even stick around long enough to try. Tolerant and understanding aren’t on some people list.

In the trucking industry there will be days when things go smoothly and we are able to go against the wind. And everything goes as schedule. The appointment times are accurate and my husband sets in and out within the hour, easily. On those days we get to see my husband at a decent hour and have plenty of time to go mingle.

And then there will be those days, weeks and maybe longer months when the wind is against them, they will feel like they are right in the middle of a squall. That’s when I get that telephone call with the angry voice, stress out husband with plenty of complaints and I get an ear full of unpleasant words of how this job sucks!

As the storms pass, in it will in time. This is when you as a trucker wife, “need to understand that “hey stuff happens and there is a reason for everything.” Move on with your life; don’t let the storms of the trucking industry consume you. You can weather the challenge. Realize that this challenge comes often. The key is to not let the unexpressed emotions that have become imprisoned within you and are struggling to get back into life, caused you to get upset and have an stormy day within your household.

There have been plenty of times that I have talked to my husband while he was in the middle of a storm of his own. That ending up over flowing into our household because I let my emotion get consume with issues that didn’t concern me personally, in my household got unbalance and out of order due to me getting up set with the kids for no reason at all. They didn’t do anything out of the norm, I was just consume with my husband stress that I didn’t release it out in a timely fashion and the kids got the end of the storm due to me being stressed for no reason at all.

I suggest that you find away to deal with the storms that may occur when you are supporting your husband by listening to his stress. After you hang up the phone, release it into the universe and don’t carry it with you into your home atmosphere, keep your household as pure, balance, and peaceful as possible.

Be Inspired

Warrior Chic


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