How to be the Best Husband

Being married can be a difficult task. Even though your intention may seem pure, you will need to learn how to show them through your action. That is what being the best husband is all about. Action!

To be the best Husband, this means doing things you aren’t comfortable with. Ask your wife would she like to ride to the Home Depot with you? Yeah, it may seem boring; however it’s the thought that count. You let her know you actually like spending time with her.

Don’t be afraid to be nice and show affection to her around your friends. Yeah, it may make you look like you are whipped in the “guy’s eyes.” However, she is glowing on the inside, you aren’t trying to be someone else in front of your boys while in provide you are acting like a teddy bear.

The best husband, stops in listen. Give your wife the proper attention she needs and always be there to talk to her. She should be able to talk to you about any and everything.

Compromise, do some of the things that she wants to do sometimes. Watch a “chick flick” or go to the mall. You might actually enjoy it. My husband and I go to Books-A- Million all the time, I even got him interested in reading.

Compliment her, when she gets her “hair” and “nails” done. The key is “attention” show her you are checking her out. Let her know she is the HOTTEST CHICK ALIVE!

Take time out; take her out to a dinner and a movie, or for a fun and unexpected event. Being the best husband is hard, but it is defiantly worth it, your marriage is worth it, give it a try; be willing to give it your all.

Be Inspired!!!

Warrior Chic


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