Can long distance relationships really work out?

Yes, and they work out great! I've been in a long distance marriage for 8 years. I’m married to a Truck Driver which is the same thing as long distance relationships. We are apart for months, weeks, and days at a time it depends on which cities his loads are in. I have four kids to rise on my own and my husband comes home on the weekends when he can. When he does he comes late Friday night. We spend all Saturday with him and he leaves out Sunday evening. It works for us because I’m very independent and don’t need a man around me 24- 7. Plus it keeps our married alive and we are so excited to see each other when he does come home. We talk at least 7 times a day texting, sending photos, and just talking to one another. We are best friends! It works for us but this life isn’t for everyone. My advice to you is

Communicate in some way every day.

Take advantage of the benefits a long distance relationship offers: more time with friends and/or family, no arguments over the T.V or unhealthy dinners that make you fat and doesn’t do a thing to his wasitline.

Try to make the time to visit each other as often as possible or as often as your budget permits you to. I sometimes ride with my husband over the road this gives me a little mini vaction plus we are together and he didn’t have to take off from worki to do so. Money in the bank plus time togther!!!

Staying positive and not focusing on the negative aspects of a long-distance relationship is essential to keeping your relationship blooming and your partner content. Use the opportunity of personal time to pursue your interests and hobbies as well as your career objectives.

Avoid jealousy and be trusting. When you start a long distance relationship, you must be realistic of the difficulties ahead. It helps to have your eyes open and not be totally naive, but being overly suspicious is unhealthy for you and your relationship too. Have faith and trust your partner by keeping the lines of communicating open you can learn a lot. If you can’t do this and you are constantly worrying about what your partner is doing you will fail it will never work. Not only are you pushing your partner away but you are manifesting what you don’t want by worrying about it. Stay focus and postive.

It will survive as long as you are willing to work it out.

Be Inspired!!!

Warrior Chic


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