What are the advantages and disadvantages to long distance relationships?

To be honest with you there are a few more disadvantages than more advantages. First off there is the distance it self, you need to have complete trust with each other. If you have faith in your relationship then you will have to deal with missing your loved one. You will need to have open communicating be mature about your feelings and issues and let the other person know exactly how you feel.

Another disadvantage is that you will be constantly thinking about the other person; sometimes these are good thoughts sometimes they are bad, but you have to remember that they are only thoughts. This is where the trust comes in. And sometimes you will be prevented from going out or doing things you want to do because you feel compelled to stay and talk with the other. You have to remember to get out and live your life.

Do not become isolated because the other person is anti-social this is there choice. If you don’t live your life you will become deeply depressed and this will cause problems within your relationship. However, you must also act as if you are in a relationship even when the other is not there and sometimes the temptation can be strong. Are you strong enough to resist the urge the “DEVIL” will put in your path?

The advantage: your relationship will grow if you make it through this. This is why I continue to express the need to communicate constantly; that aspect of your relationship will develop. The greatest part of a long distance relationship is the moment that you see each other. You will be so happy and over whelmed that you will not want to let go of the other. This feeling is indescribable.

If you feel that your loved one is trustworthy and you can trust yourself, it is worth it, it will be tough, but don’t do anything you will regret. Have faith in yourself. And pray to God that he will put a shield an unbreakable bond over your relationship that no man/woman can tear apart. And don’t listen to your friends or family members they will make you start rethinking your decision.

You will be just find!!!

Be Inspired!!!

Warrior Chic


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