Long Distance Marriage Couple’s Show Love Too!

I was asked by a friend how do I show my hubby he is loved since we have an unconventional married life. I relied it was simple. We both show each other love all the time. Just because you have a long distance marriage doesn’t means you don’t interact on a daily basis. We do all of the normal things every other married couple do except we have to do them afar and learn to be clever in how we do it. 

So to answer, “What is one simple thing I can do to brighten my spouse’s day today?” 

What I do to show my husband he is loved and appreciated is telling him and texting him. Also cards, notes, and when I go to any store grabbing a gift just because. Most gifts pertain to something he needs for his truck. It’s hard to find parking at stores with a trailer plus truck stops are so expensive so I try to buy useful items. He is very grateful when I give him a basket full of snacks, hand sanitizers, work gloves, gums, mints, toothpaste, garbage bags, his favorite chocolate candy and snack cakes. I thought he would think it was cheesy but one day he asked where his “over the road basket” was and that I was slacking and keeping the goods for myself. I just laughed, smiled, and made a special trip to Target before he left to go over the road to ensure he had his goodies. I’m so blessed to have someone that’s thankful for the small things in life. 

What simple acts of kindness do you use to show some thoughtfulness toward your husband? 

Be Inspired!!!

Warrior Chic


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