Loving From A Distance: Part 1 Weekly Date in A Box Night!

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Hi Warrior Chics,

Trucker Wives in long distance relationships can have a hard time staying connected, because couples are limited in what they can do together. Many are limited to phone calls, emails, instant messaging, and texting which can become a bit frustration over time, if you ask me. It is important to keep things interesting. I’ve created a series of articles of the things me and my trucker do to stay connected. Here is the first idea on the list of things that me and my trucker do when he’s gone a long distance over the road for work. 

Now being that he is  limited to food access and space we keep things simple. It takes a little bit of planning but we make it work. No matter what you do, in a long distance relationship, nothing will be the same as actually being able to be together. But that doesn’t mean that a relationship can’t survive. The goal is to connect and communicate any way possible. 

Weekly Date Night

We started this as a way to connect. No matter what is going on unless he has a load to be delivered we keep this appointment with each other. Every Tuesday is Date Night! My younger kids bedtime is 8:00pm so this is perfect for us. Plus, it gives my trucker plenty of time to get to a truck stop, shower and pick up his dinner. Before he leaves to go over the road I have already picked up and created both our date night boxes for the week. As for him I give him supplies for two weeks at a time due to his runs keeping him out for 2-3 weeks. 

So the idea is to get yourself a box, and then fill it for everything you and your partner will need for the date. When you buy the items remember to get 2 of everything so you can take part in the date too! A “Date-In-A-Box” may consist of a DVD, microwavable popcorn, candy, a gift card to a restaurant that your trucker can get take-out from, I usually get a Applebee’s gift card they are easier to find in most cities. 

So on Tuesday after we both have showered and got settled we both sit down and pop in the same dvd of choice and place the call on FaceTime and we eat, laugh, talk, and enjoy the movie together just as a normal couple would do for the exception of the distance. It’s not physical but what’s most important is that we made the effort to interact and connect. Most people whine, cry, and complain about their situation rather than thinking of a way to make things work. We tend to be grateful and think outside the box. Most people who want their marriage to work take these kinds of action to connect in anyway possible to strengthen their martial bond. 

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Be Inspired!       

Warrior Chic



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