Loving From A Distance: Part 3 Communicate in Clever ways!

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Hi Warrior Chics,

Trucker Wives in long distance relationships can have a hard time staying connected, because couples are limited in what they can do together. Many are limited to phone calls, emails, instant messaging, and texting which can become a bit frustration over time, if you ask me. It is important to keep things interesting. I’ve created a series of articles of the things me and my trucker do to stay connected. Here is the third idea on the list of things that me and my trucker do when he’s gone a long distance over the road for work. 

My Trucker and I talk every day on the phone, we text message a morning quote or simple love note to inspire and encourage one another daily, do things simultaneously together (watch TV or a movie), one time we even played a tic tat toe over the phone. A huge thing that has helped me was our use of FaceTime. Near the beginning of our relationship my trucker called me and FaceTime was on I wasn’t dressed and had my hair wrapped in a scarf. I was so mad I hung up. He thought it was so funny! But the lesson from that experience keeps me on my toes. I stay dolled up because I never know when he will FaceTime me LOL. Now I feel good about myself at all times because I’m always dressed in a way that make me feel good. It was really worth it for my self esteem. It’s still not the same, but it is better than just the phone or text.

As for obstacles… a big one for my Trucker and I is the inability to see each other as often as we would like to. This just make its were we have to  try to make the best of our time and think of clever ways to build and strengthen our martial connection. 

Be Inspired!
Warrior Chic


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