How to Nurture Intimacy When You’re in a Long-Distance Marriage

Hi warrior Chics,

The biggest problem long-distance spouses often face is how to keep emotional intimacy alive when they are separated. This can be tough during holidays such as Valentines Day. I know from experience from being a trucker wife that this time of year can really get you down. I’ve had my share of lonely Valentine Day nights without my hubby to shower love during this romantic occasion. 

If you are in a long-distance marriage, you can probably relate to these same feelings. Although just like everyone else you received flowers, candy, cards and a gift. But nothing is like kissing, hugging, holding hands or making love to your hubby on the most romantic day of the year. 

Things I learned on my jounery… To let Go and Make The Best of Your Time!

First, I write and email my hubby a letter telling him what I love about him, what attracted me to him, what I admire about him, and why I’m happy to see another Valentines Day. This shows just because we are apart doesn’t means  we can’t express our love for each other. 

Second, I always give him his card, gift and some goodies before he leave out to go over the road so he can have it on Valentine’s Day. 

Third, we send each others loving texts throughout the day to cheer each other up and to feel a little bit closer. Although we feel really disappointed that most times we can’t celebrate this day together we just remember the days that we can be together and make the best of it. In the meantime we try to keep our spirits up.

Tips for the Newbie Trucker Wife on Valentines Day…Feeling Disappointed!!!

Be Grateful
Although you may or may not see your spouse on Valentines Day be grateful that you did get a gift. Many women crave to be thought of on this day.

Be Kind to Yourself
You should be just as kind to yourself as you would be to s friend who’s spouse is living miles away. Go get a mani/pedicure. Get a massage. Enjoy a box of chocolates. do something fun with your kids, friends or other family members. 

Rid Negative Thinking…Don’t Trust What Your Mind is Telling You

Now is not the time to compare yourself or your marriage to others. It’s just another day. Make the best of it. There’s no reason to compare yourself to others. Everyone has their own journey and you don’t need to live in anyone else’s shadows. You have your own. You’re a Warrior Chic and you choose the trucing life. Missed holidays are all part of the downside of this lifestyle. Your path is not a traditional one. Stop trying to be perfect in a unconventional lifestyle. Perfectionism is actually preventing us from doing our best as truckers wife. Comparing and trying to be something we aren’t is an unhealthy way to live our lifestyle. 

Independence is Part of the Journey

Always remember that being independent and creating your own happiness is part of the journey. If you’re afraid to be alone or live your own life, then this lifestyle will never work for you. Instead, view your down time as growth and development of your own life goals and skills. This time can help you grow in many ways that you could ever imagine. 

Be Inspired

I hope this helps

Warrior Chic



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