Can a good declutter change your life? When you get rid of everything in your life that’s not working for you, you’re free to completely shift your life from the inside out.

I’ve been a Professional Organizer since 2008. Thought out all of those years I recently did my first Hoarders project and came home and cleaned out all mu shit. I thought I was pretty organized but that really put in perceptive of how much stuff we actually consume but don’t really need.  I can see how it can just snowball from a bit of mess into a full on clutter situation!

But the decluttering I’m talking about today doesn’t involve cleaning up your house (although I think that’s really important), the art of decluttering from a Warrior Chic perspective is to change your life through physical, emotional and mental decluttering.

This is especially important if you want to make big shifts over the next 12 months. Although you can’t change who you fundamentally are, you can change your habits and distractions around you with these easy actions. Below are a few ways you can lighten up your life.

Go for it and see how light you feel!

Declutter your kitchen – especially the crappy stuff

Declutter your kitchen, declutter your health life. It’s that simple.

There’s clutter in your life that lives on the surface and it’s in your face every day. Living with physical clutter can cause you to feel overwhelmed and having trash around blocks the Universe from sending you more abundance. Living with unhealthy processed foods in your cabinet you are slowly killing you and your kids. 

Most Americans consume highly processed and refined foods that accelerate the rate of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Additionally, the obesity rate and type 2 diabetes in adults and children has become a national epidemic primarily due to these refined and processed foods. It is estimated that an American born in 2000 has a one in three chance of developing diabetes in his or her lifetime, and the risk is even greater for a Hispanic American or African American.  Furthermore, it is estimated that 80 percent of type 2 diabetes cases can be prevented by a change in diet and exercise.  The problem lies in getting people to change the foods they eat.

Here’s the most obvious stuff to start with….
-Clean out your refrigerator and freezer of anything mouldy or out of date
-Clean out your pantry by discarding all processed foods  

-Remove piles of crap or rubbish that can be chucked out or recycled

-Actually take the stuff to the charity shop, not just store it somewhere else

-Chuck anything in your cabinets that’s broken, dirty or just plain annoys you

Decluttering the obvious stuff sets you up for quick wins and will release the energy you need to move onto the harder stuff. Next replaced all processed foods with health whole foods and organic brands such as Red Mill Baking products or Gluten Free Products. 

Whole foods are those foods that contain balanced ratios of vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates, sugars, and other vital nutrients in their most natural, chemical free state.  Whole foods are those foods that are not altered, stripped or refined in any way so that our bodies can break them down and utilize them for maximum energy and help us reach our optimal health. Whole foods are organic, seasonal, and local, whenever possible, to ensure they are  fresh, nutrient rich, chemical, pesticide and additive free. This is what your family should begin eating for a healthy clean lifestyle.

Declutter your Married Life

There’s clutter in your married life also. The unhealthy habits of arguing without stopping to really listen to each other. The separate living with no fun and exciting couple time. The lack of affection and romance. All of these things are important for a marriage to grow stronger. 

Many people refuse to be the higher person in the relationship. They complain and say it was the other person fault. The suck complain and point fingers. Life is too short to be right. Now is the time to rebuild. To set a positive example for your children about how love and marriage is supposed to look. 

Don’t wait until you see that Amazing Action from your spouse before you get ready to show love. Get ready now. Imagine what could happen if you lived your life as if everything is loving and you open your heart and see life from the other person perception. We all have our own struggles to deal with married or not we still have spiritual lessons of our own outside of marriage to work through. Stop and see what struggle your spouse is going through. Be the friend that lift the burden not part of it.

Let go of…

 • False beliefs you don’t want to deal with anymore
 • Fake friends that add nothing to your day or marriage
 • Favors for people that have become an obligation that distractions and take time from your marriage
 • Volunteer positions or groups you no longer want to serve that take time from your marriage
 • A business arrangement or joint venture that doesn’t work anymore that’s causing extra stress for your married life. This can make you so stressed that you don’t want sex, affection etc. from your  spouse due to stress. 
 • Hobbies you want to give up (no time, outgrown the group, don’t enjoy it anymore and is used as a distraction for your marriage)
 • A specific emotion you want to give up (anger towards your spouse
 • An invitation from people you’ve outgrown (a party, wedding, holiday, etc that end up causing strife within your marriage because you know your spouse dislike the individual or couple.)

Declutter for Your Success
(because you totally on path)

Don’t wait until you can physical see that Amazing Dream of yours happen before you get ready. Get ready now. Imagine what could happen if you lived your life as if opportunities are around every corner?

Sometimes the Universe sends you an enforced upgrade, like it literally makes things fall apart so you notice them and forces you to replace them. Ever notice how your car starts breaking down when you’re thinking of getting a new one? Notice how you never do anything within your life until it starts to fall apart?

Act as if your goal is literally just waiting for you to sort out the logistics. If you get ready now, the Universe will send it to you much quicker.

Be brave and take action now

 • Go test drive that car you want.
 • Book the appointment with the nutritionist.
 • Call your credit cards and ask for a lower interest rate. 
 • Start making space on your calendar for that new client before the new client has showed up she is on her way
 • Reserve the hotel for the couple retreat (just takes a credit card number)
 • Start packing up the house you’re meaning to sell (you’re totally moving right?
 • Basically do anything you need to get ready for your amazing life to take off right NOW

I’ve noticed from working with thousands of women and trucker wives around the world, the first step to manifesting is to declutter as much as you can – you literally can’t overdose on decluttering. By clearing out the old you make room for the new. 

Be Inspired!!!

Warrior Chic


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