Plant Based Recipes: Where Do I Get My Protein?

Many people have concerns about their protein source when eating a plant based diet. Protein are composed of 20 amino acids, only 8 of which are essential, meaning that theses have to be obtained from our food. According to Alona Pulde, MD author of Keep It Simple, Keep It Whole, it is a myth that only animal products provide enough of these essential amino acids. Another myth is that animal protein (believed to be the only source for complete proteins, containing all amino acids) is superior to plant protein. 

She goes on to share a study on the effect of plant proteins on human which was conducted in 1942 by Dr. William Rote, of the University of Illinois. His experiment involved testing his subjects by providing them with different amounts of each of the eight essential amino acids. He noted that after two days of receiving inadequate amounts of an essential amino acid, his subjects would inevitably begin to complain of nervousness, irritability, fatigue, and lack of appetite. They would also quickly go into negative nitrogen balance (indicating that more nitrogen, commonly found in protein, was being excreted than was being taken in) with these observations, he was able to deduce the minimal intake requirement for each of these eight essential amino acids. He then recorded the highest level of need of a given essential amino acid and doubled it to create a definitely safe intake. When Rose’s another researcher minimum requirement are use to analyze a wide variety of plant foods, each of these foods is found to be in excess not only of his minimum requirement but also of his “definitely safe intake” (twice the minimum requirement. So, as you can see, if we meet our daily caloric needs we would consume the essential amino acids in more than sufficient amounts, even if we were only eating one particular food. 

Pulde goes on to say to clarify, if you were only allowed to consume 500 calories a day, you would have a better chance of getting enough of all eight essential amino acids by consuming animal foods over plant foods (because per calorie animal products have more protein as well as more fat, cholesterol, and environmental toxins). But, if you were only consuming 500 calories a day, you would be starving. In this case getting enough essential amino acids would be the least of your worries, with the greater concern being getting enough calories to survive: stated another way you will only be protein-deficient if you are starving-and we could probably place a safe bet that most of you are not starving. 

The take-home message, then, is that as long as you are getting enough calories from nutrients, whole foods, meeting your protein requirement should no longer EVER concern you. There are no health benefits to eating animal foods over plant based foods. People are healthier and lose weight on an whole foods, plant-based diet opposed to the American Standard Diet.

Since 1974, the World Health Organization has recommended that we get 5% of our calories from protein 6% during pregnancy.

Foods To Eat To Get Protein

Brown Rice 9%
Oatmeal 19%
Wheat Flour 18%
Asparagus 43%
Skim Milk 40%
Mushrooms 35%
Black Beans 35%
Broccoli 50%
Cheddar Cheese 25%
Eggs 35%
Beef 34%
Chicken 42%
Salmon 44%
Pork 45%

If you notice the reason plant based is a better choice within this list is broccoli has 50% more protein alone opposed to the other foods on the list. Broccoli has a higher percentage of protein than pork 45%, salmon 44%, chicken 42% skim milk 40%, eggs 35%, beef 34%, and cheddar  cheese 25%.

Another problem with animal products is that they are very high in calories and fat.

                  100 Grams of 
Beef            282 calories 
Chicken      246 calories

Pork          55% calories from fat
Beef          66% calories from fat 
Chicken    58% calories from fat 

opposed to…

                 100 Grams of 
Broccoli     28 Calories             15% calories from fat

Remember that animal products and processed foods are deficient and often devoid of vitamins, minerals, fiber, water, and phytochemical. 

This same concept goes for iron. A plant-based diet rich in fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes will provide you with sufficient amounts of iron, without exposing you to all of the health hazards associated with eating animal products. 

The key here is that you can’t benefit from eating animal products. No that’s not the case the bigger picture is exposing your body to all of the health hazards associated with eating animal products. That’s why if you choose to consume your protein from animal based foods it is recommended that you understand how much protein is needed in a daily diet the 5% and that your choice of animal protein should be grass feed animals and wild fish. Due to animal based diets provide excessive amounts of protein and are equally responsible for contributing to obesity, cancer, heart disease and diabetes. 

I hope this was helpful !!!

Be Inspired to Live a Healthy Lifestyle
Warrior Chic



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