Making Lifestyle Changes That Last!-The Importance of Role Models

In my profession people come to me to help them with lifestyle changes. This topic is a mainstream topic because it is one of the most challenging things to do for most people. If your basic need is certainty and comfort you tend to avoid the pain and stress related to daily life while doing all you can to remain in a less risky state. You tend to create as much pleasure as possible. Being in control is your top priority in life. 

Like most my clients you may feel a desire to improve your marriage, or motivated to eat better, exercise more, drink less caffeine or make any number of the positive lifestyle changes you've been telling yourself you want to make. You've tried before — probably declaring another attempt as a New Year’s resolution — but without feeling much success. Making a lifestyle change is challenging, especially when you want to transform many things at once. 

The truth is lifestyle changes are a process that take time and require support. Once you’re ready to make a change, the difficult part is committing and following through. So do your research and make a plan that will prepare you for success. Careful planning means setting small goals and taking things one step at a time.

I tell my clients to take baby steps. Once you see results from the small changes you make on a daily basis the more excited and motivated you will become about the more challenging actions you will have to face later on in life. 

In my own life when it’s time to make a lifestyle change or work on any new goals I always use a simple process to get started. The routine I come to believe in that’s been tried and tested by millions of successful people is the simple act of observational learning. Observational learning has become part of my daily routine when it comes to taking actions within my life. 

Why is Observational Learning Important?

Tony Robbins stress this point in many of his teaching- that we should model those who already live the life we desire. I couldn’t agree more. You wouldn’t  follow the advice and action of a person who has a career in the law enforcement field if your goal is to work as a writer in the creative art field. No, that would be crazy. You would seek out the creative type or a writer that has already published a book and is actually living the dream successfully.  In grad school we learned that modeling which is also called observational learning or imitation, is a behaviorally based procedure that involves the use of live or symbolic models to demonstrate a particular behavior, thought, or attitude that a person may want to acquire or change. 

I believe that role models are important because they help us become the person we want to be and inspire us to make a difference. Choosing wisely means that you will be positively influenced and encouraged to be the best person possible. Choosing a role model in your personal life is different than choosing a celebrity role model but by following a few steps you can choose the best people be it be within your personal life or celebrity to fill these roles in your life.

A role model that you know can help you to mature and grow as a person. They can give guidance and advice and offer real-world examples of how to achieve your best. This could be your parents, a aunt or uncle, your grandparents or even a teacher. Celebrities can do the same thing, only you have to observe what is going on within their lives by the books they write, quotes they speak and their personal behavior that lead to their success. 

Getting Started 

To start you must start small and identity small short terms goals you want to achieve. When completed you can move on to long term goals that are much bigger and challenging. I always tell clients to start identify their bad habits, or negative aspects of their personality. These are the things you do not like or want to change about yourself and are important in determining how you wish to change. As well as the risk you are willing to take. 

Next, you must make a list of the key characteristics that you want to achieve. Do you want to live in a certain way? Achieve something in particular? Become a certain kind of person? Make a list of the things you want to achieve, both as a person and in your life.

Don’t over think this process just change one behavior at a time. Unhealthy behaviors develop over the course of time, so replacing unhealthy behaviors with healthy ones requires time. Many people run into problems when they try to change too much too fast. To improve your success, focus on one goal or change at a time. As new healthy behaviors become a habit, try to add another goal that works toward the overall change you’re striving for.

How To Get Out Of A Funk.

The next step is to build your confidence. As you start to consider how you can choose a role model, try to develop faith in yourself as a person. The goal of choosing a role model is to motivate you to become a better person. You must have confidence in yourself and your abilities to become whoever you wish to be. A role can’t do this for you. You have to believe in yourself while taking inspired action from the guidance a role model express with your life. 

This is when you begin the simple act of observational learning.
Identify people who exhibit the same qualities that you wish to achieve. If you want to be an inspirational person and think more positive, think about the people who inspire you. For me, Lousie Hay fit the bill. When I need to act and think more positive I ask myself, “What would Louise Hay say or do? How would she tackle this situation?” Find that person in your life that you admire and respect. Do a little brainstorming. Why do you admire them so much? What is the message they send through their actions?

We already mention earlier that great role models may exist all around you. These people may have a more profound impact on you and might even be able to mentor you, making them great potential choices as your role model.

Just remember that you should always choose someone who makes you feel good about being you. While you are on your journey of learning, developing, and growing into a better person that YOU can love and be HAPPY with. (When changing always do it for yourself, not for other people approval).Your role model should be someone who thinks it is all right to be unique, even if that means accepting some ridicule. They should always make you feel positive and good about being yourself. They should love you for you even when change may take longer than expected. They should still respect you, speak loving to you, as well as telling you what you need to hear opposed to what would make you like them or to avoid conflict they may just tell you want you want to hear. This is not a friend nor is it a role model. They are honest, loving, and truthful even when it hurt your feelings. Understand this person will make you stronger and you will love them for this later.  The purpose of having a role model is to encourage and inspire you to improve yourself. If your choice of role model does not make you feel this way then it is best to choose another.

My role models in health just happens to be Jamie Eason and Lias Deleon which are celebrity’s. Unfortunately, I don’t know anyone living up to my standards of healthy living within my personal life.  These two women are living the fit life that I desire! Therefore I follow their fitness programs and nutritional plans. 

I teach on this topic everyday in my professional life along with marriage counseling but I have to go a long way from home to get the inspiration I need to stay focus on living the type of life I desire health wise. On the other hand when it comes to my married life my role model is my uncle Orise Kendall and my late aunt Mell who died of the disease multiple sclerosis at an early age. Their example of love, support, strong marriage and how a married couple is supposed to look and behave was imprinted one me at an early age. Although my uncle has remarried now to yet another awesome woman my aunt Jackie- he still express his love the exact same way as he did with my mother’s sister.  Therefore I still observe and imitate their positive actions. 

Be Inspired to Live a Healthy Lifestyle
Warrior Chic

Who inspires you to live a better version of yourself? I would love to hear about your life and life lessons you battle to improving your condition in life and living a life you love. 


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