My Top 10 Belly Fat Burning Foods I Live by...

Hi Warrior Chic's!

As you all know I’m not a fan of fad diets. I believe in eating clean and being mindful of the types of food you consume. Most fad diets come and go quickly - probably because they're difficult to follow long-term, and they don't help you lose or maintain your weight. Personally, I tried the Akins diet and lost 20 pounds in ten weeks. However, after I stop following the diet I gain all the weight back plus ten extra pounds in less than two months. This is proof in order to maintain health it must become a lifestyle. 

So, I decide to start eating clean simple whole foods.

These fad diets aren't based on credible research studies for long-term loss or any beneficial health claims, but they may try to sound scientific. Taking a few minutes to review their sources reveals a lack of evidence beyond opinion and conjecture. The best way to watch your weight and provide your body with all the nutrition you need is to follow a healthy balanced diet. That’s why I stress eating clean plant based foods along with following the 80/20 Rule so you don’t deprive yourself. 

To transition into a clean eating lifestyle is easy. All you have to do is choose a variety of foods from each food group to ensure sufficient intake of macronutrients, fiber, vitamins and minerals:
The 80/20 Rule

Fruits and vegetables: three or five cups of fruits and vegetables each day.
20% Everything else…such as 

Whole Organic Grains and cereals: at least half your grains should be whole grains.
Protein sources: choose low-fat protein sources like grass-fed lean meat, poultry, seafood, wild fish or legumes.
Dairy foods can be consumed in plant based form all you need are two or three servings of calcium-rich foods every day which can be found in veggies.
Fats and oils: get a little bit of healthful fat like omega-3 and monounsaturated fats. Which can be found in seeds and nuts as well as avocados and peanut butter. 

It's also important to watch your portion sizes and keep your calorie intake to a level that lets you reach and maintain a healthy weight. On average, an adult will need somewhere in the neighborhood of 2,000 to 2,500 calories per day to maintain his or her current weight. The number of calories you need depends on your natural size, muscle mass, activity level, age, and gender. There are calorie tables and calculators that will help you estimate your daily calorie need. Note this all depends on if you are trying to loss weight or maintain it.  But keep in mind these really are estimates—since you may have differences in your metabolism, you may need a few more or a few less calories than what the calculators show. Over time, you will know to adjust your overall calorie intake up or down by monitoring your weight.

Eating a healthy balanced plant based diet can help you keep trim and give you lots of energy. You want to eat a diet with the right number of calories, lots of good plant based foods, and a whole lot less of foods that are bad for you such as processed foods, fast foods, and refined sugar.

My Top 10 Belly Fat Burning Foods I Live By are…

-Egg Whites
-Whey Protein
-Berries mostly blueberries and raspberries
-Fish and Chicken
-Green Veggies 80% of all my meals

My Healthy Go -to Fats: 
-Olive Oil in moderation
-Peanut Butter

Simple Recipes anyone Can Cook

Easy Oatmeal

1/2 cup of oats, 1 packet stevia, 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup almond coconut blend milk microwave 2 minutes.

Fiber blend: 1 tbsp flaxseed meal, 1 tbsp chia seeds, 1 tbsp flaxseed

Add in: Berries (I choose blueberries) and walnuts or pecans


Blacken Fish & Veggies

1 tbsp olive oil
smoked paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, black pepper to taste. Cook on both sides. 

Served with Mixed Vegetables and sweet potatoe.

Be Inspired to Live a Healthy Lifestyle
Warrior Chic



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