Health Goals: Scale Free For 2017
Hi Warrior Chic’s! Oh my! Today I finished my workday early so I could come home and start cleaning the house before my mom got to Atlanta. She’s coming to stay with us for a week for Christmas break. But I found myself surfing the web instead. This is something I haven’t done in a while ‘just for fun” it’s all been work and client related, no play. Any Woo! I ran across a wonderful post called Scaled Free from the Fat Mommy To Hot Mommy blog. I could relate to this post on so many levels. Not letting a number on a scale rule your life is a concept I’ve been preaching to my clients for years. So many people get stuck on the number fluctuating that it just kills their spirits when trying to live a healthy lifestyle. The focus shifts to getting skinny rather than being healthy and strong. Most importantly eating clean! I recommend going back to read the Fat Mommy To Hot Mommy blog Post titled Scaled Free. However, like I tell all my clients. Shift your focus from ...